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Template-based NLG framework for creating text narratives out of data and enhance them using ChatGPT. Demo shiny application showing core package capabilities is deployed on

Package is available in both R and Python, with all core features and even syntax being the same or similar. Corresponding classes and data types are used in both languages:

  • data.frame vs pandas data frame
  • list vs dictionary
  • character vector vs list


For R you can install the development version of narrator from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

For Python install pynarrator from pip:

pip3 install pynarrator


Basic Use Cases

Simple tables with one or more categorical columns (dimensions) and one measure can be transformed to text using narrate_descriptive() function.

narrative_one <- sales %>%
    measure = "Sales",
    dimensions = c("Region", "Product")

#> $`Total Sales`
#> Total Sales across all Regions is 38790478.4.
#> $`Region by Sales`
#> Outlying Regions by Sales are NA (18079736.4, 46.6 %) and EMEA (13555412.7, 34.9 %).
#> $`NA by Product`
#> In NA, significant Products by Sales are Food & Beverage (7392821, 40.9 %) and Electronics (3789132.7, 21 %).
#> $`EMEA by Product`
#> In EMEA, significant Products by Sales are Food & Beverage (5265113.2, 38.8 %) and Electronics (3182803.4, 23.5 %).
#> $`Product by Sales`
#> Outlying Products by Sales are Food & Beverage (15543469.7, 40.1 %) and Electronics (8608962.8, 22.2 %).

You can analyze changes over time using narrate_trend() function:

narrative_two <- sales %>%
    measure = "Sales",
    date = "Date",
    dimensions = c("Region", "Product")

#> $`2021 YTD vs 2020 YTD`
#> From 2020 YTD to 2021 YTD, Sales had an increase of 1.13 M (9.1 %, 12.42 M to 13.55 M).
#> $`Sales change by Region`
#> Regions with biggest changes of Sales are NA (533.1 K, 9.1 %, 5.9 M to 6.4 M) and EMEA (416.9 K, 9.91 %, 4.2 M to 4.6 M).
#> $`NA by Product`
#> In NA, significant Products by Sales change are Food & Beverage (243.3 K, 9.92 %, 2.5 M to 2.7 M) and Tools (190.5 K, 32.72 %, 582.2 K to 772.7 K).
#> $`EMEA by Product`
#> In EMEA, significant Products by Sales change are Electronics (313.1 K, 36.05 %, 868.6 K to 1.2 M) and Food & Beverage (244.8 K, 15.01 %, 1.6 M to 1.9 M).
#> $`Sales change by Product`
#> Products with biggest changes of Sales are Food & Beverage (535.4 K, 10.63 %, 5 M to 5.6 M) and Electronics (525.9 K, 19.79 %, 2.7 M to 3.2 M).


narrator can use ChatGPT API to improve your narratives. To do so you can either set use_chatgpt = TRUE in any function that creates narrative or use enhance_narrative() to improve existing narrative output. You can supply list or character, function will collapse all text into a sentence and send a request to Chat GPT. Set your token in .Renviron file as OPENAI_API_KEY or supply it to a function as openai_api_key argument.

This functionality requires you to setup the ChatGPT API key and make it accessible from R.

narrative_enhanced <- enhance_narrative(narrative_one)

Total Sales across all Regions amount to $38,790,478.4. The Outlying Regions, namely North America (NA) and Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), account for significant portions of these sales. NA contributes $18,079,736.4, representing 46.6% of the total sales, while EMEA contributes $13,555,412.7, representing 34.9%.

Within the NA region, the top-performing product categories by sales are Food & Beverage, generating $7,392,821 (40.9%), and Electronics, generating $3,789,132.7 (21%). In the EMEA region, the significant product categories by sales are Food & Beverage, generating $5,265,113.2 (38.8%), and Electronics, generating $3,182,803.4 (23.5%).

When considering all regions, the outlying products that contribute significantly to sales are Food & Beverage, generating $15,543,469.7 (40.1%), and Electronics, generating $8,608,962.8 (22.2%).


Translate you text using translate_narrative() function, specify language argument in English:

translation <- translate_narrative(narrative_enhanced, language = "Czech")

Celkové tržby ve všech regionech činí 38 790 478,4 dolarů. Okrajové regiony, konkrétně Severní Amerika (NA) a Evropa, Střední východ a Afrika (EMEA), představují významnou část těchto tržeb. NA přispívá částkou 18 079 736,4 dolarů, což představuje 46,6% celkových tržeb, zatímco EMEA přispívá částkou 13 555 412,7 dolarů, což představuje 34,9%.

V rámci regionu NA jsou nejúspěšnějšími kategoriemi produktů podle tržeb potraviny a nápoje, které generují 7 392 821 dolarů (40,9%), a elektronika, která generuje 3 789 132,7 dolarů (21%). V regionu EMEA jsou významné kategorie produktů podle tržeb potraviny a nápoje, které generují 5 265 113,2 dolarů (38,8%), a elektronika, která generuje 3 182 803,4 dolarů (23,5%).

Při zohlednění všech regionů jsou okrajové produkty, které významně přispívají k tržbám, potraviny a nápoje, které generují 15 543 469,7 dolarů (40,1%), a elektronika, která generuje 8 608 962,8 dolarů (22,2%).


If your output is too verbose you can summarize it with summarize_narrative() function:

summarization <- summarize_narrative(narrative_enhanced)

Total Sales: $38.8M across North America and EMEA regions. NA contributes $18.1M (46.6%) and EMEA contributes $13.6M (34.9%). Top product categories: Food & Beverage and Electronics.


Here are some basic Python examples, for more details visit pynarrator github and pynarrator website

import os
from pynarrator import narrate_descriptive, read_data, enhance_narrative, translate_narrative, summarize_narrative
sales = read_data()

By default narrate_descriptive() returns a dictionary of narratives with names.

  df = sales, 
  measure = 'Sales', 
  dimensions = ['Region', 'Product'], 
  return_data = False, 
  coverage = 0.5

When simplify = True the output is a list:

  df = sales, 
  measure = 'Sales', 
  dimensions = 'Region', 
  return_data = False, 
  simplify = True,
  coverage = 0.5
narrative_two = narrate_descriptive(
  df = sales, 
  measure = 'Sales', 
  dimensions = 'Region', 
  return_data = False, 
  simplify = True,
  coverage = 0.5

When return_data=True we get a list of variables calculated inside of the function:

  df = sales, 
  measure = 'Sales', 
  dimensions = ['Region', 'Product'], 
  return_data = True, 
  simplify = True,
  coverage = 0.5

As all other functions, Chat GPT related calls are to similar to those in R

narrative_enhanced = enhance_narrative(narrative_one)
translation = translate_narrative(narrative_enhanced, language = "Czech")
summarization = summarize_narrative(narrative_enhanced)